Subconcious Secrets

to Success

Learn how easy it is to master your mindset, outsmart sabotage, and blaze a new trail for yourself like never before!

what you’ll learn...

In this complimentary online workshop

subconscious secret

Discover how your life becomes one big series of patterns and why it can feel impossible to make change easily.


subconscious secret

Learn how your brain stores information about yourself, your limitations and capabilities, and even your perception of time.


subconscious secret

Experience just how easy it is to access your subconscious beliefs and patterns, and how quickly you can reprogram them with the right tools.


about your host

Lindsey Lekhraj

Lindsey is an advanced-certified Epigenetics Human Potential Coach through Apeiron Genomics, an international leader in the space. She's also been double-certified as a Holistic Nutritionist and carries certifications in Life and Success Coaching, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping), Emotion Code, and Kundalini Yoga and Meditation... to name a few.

After a lifelong battle with her own health, including obesity, chronic illness, hormonal imbalance, migraines, food allergies, and more... Lindsey discovered the world of Epigenetics which connected all the dots.



I never thought that in such a short period of time I would feel such a difference. Doing Epigenetics with Lindsey has changed my life. The time she takes to explain it all, the passion she has for it and the way she breaks it all down, it’s amazing. The way she walks you through it all never makes you feel overwhelmed. In just a few weeks, I’m feeling calmer, more relaxed, much better sleep, much much stronger in my workouts again. It’s a must do - it will change your life!

Verena H.

I am pretty good at listening to my body so I was unsure if it was worth it, but I now truly believe every person should do this. It will change your perspective in ways you can’t believe. I have more energy, less inflammation, and brain fog, digestive issues and hormonal acne have eased.

I know how to adjust my habits during the day for optimal performance. I’ve also adjusted my workouts too. Knowing the science behind the “why” has greatly changed my ability to stick to a routine that is healthy for me.

Torea T.

I feel more empowered in the lifestyle decisions I’m making because they’re based on personal data from the test. I’m experiencing more energy from being less restrictive with my sources of protein.

I have less anxiety around food, and I am staying more open-minded to new things. It feels good to gain a deeper understanding of how to support my body holistically.

Whitney H.

It’s such a worth it investment— ESPECIALLY if you have any health struggles that you can’t seem to figure out.

I’ve had similar problems for most of my adult life that I’ve never had a doctor figure out. I have had NO migraines since starting my Epigenetics plan! Mentally I also feel like I can think better; something I struggled with a lot!

I have more confidence that I know what works best for me so I can enjoy myself again when going out and traveling more without worrying!

Nicole N.

For the first time in my life, I feel that I fully understand how my body works and what it really needs to feel good.  I feel more confident when choosing foods to eat and feel an immediate difference in my energetic and emotional levels when I do eat something I know is not the best for me. This helps me to get back on track quickly! It has made such a huge difference in my life and I am forever grateful!

Meghan R.

I now know what few things I need to focus on to feel my best, instead of doing so many things that weren’t necessary.

I started seeing the difference in my body very quickly and am now at my ideal weight, feeling better than I have in years.

Neelou M.

I am so happy I did this test.

My skin has totally cleared up, and my digestion is so much better!

I’m no longer dealing with bloating and gas, and I’m losing weight effortlessly! I can’t recommend this enough!

Yasi S.

I went from constantly dieting and going to the gym every single day to eating more relaxed and having rest days and I've gotten the BEST results in years!

Wendy M.

I have my life back. Chronic fatigue is gone. Pain is gone.

When you go from feeling like sleeping all day, exhausted, random energy, clear headedness do you not say it's a miracle!

Christina L.