Rewire your patterns for success, learn to treat yourself with respect, release the past & re-pattern bad habits for good.

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Get out of your head. Get into your Body.

Sometimes when you feel like you're doing "all the things" but nothing's actually working... it's a sign to turn inward and focus on your mind + emotional wellness.

When you're ready for a complete wellness overhaul, you'll find it in Embodiment Academy, where you can activate your unique Embodiment Codes

What are your Embodiment Codes?!

It’s your magic, your mojo... your true essence, my dear. It’s passion, clarity, and vitality all in one.And I can teach you how to tap in!

Learn how to fall in love with yourself, inside and out.

get our of your head

get our of your head

only $597!

($2897 Value)



Lifetime Access

6 Subconscious Reprogramming


6 instant

  • 6 instant

  • 6 Subconscious Reprogramming

  • sustainable

  • Bonus

  • Self-Paced,

  • Exclusive

This is for you if you’re ready to...

  • Learn to find balanced wellness so that you can step off the all-or-nothing rollercoaster

  • Craft a sustainable, personalized daily practice that fits your schedule & energetic needs

  • Get confident in your unique body

  • Connect with your intuition & your subconscious

  • Rewire your brain for success and healthy habits

  • Release old emotions and negative patterns

  • Create space for more self-love and acceptance

  • Activate your own Quantum World of potential

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Hi, I'm Lindsey
& this is my gift to you

My wellness journey started early in life as a sickly child, leaving my health spiraling into obesity, autoimmunity, and a laundry list of issues... even into my late 20s.

I've been through the ringer with my own health and body image, and it's my mission to support you in falling in love with your life, mind+ body + soul.

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Your investment includes:

everything you need to succeed

lifetime access

Set your own pace through each module, with lifetime access to both courses, including any updates made in the future.

Embodiment® Practices

Explore the Embodiment®  video and audio vault for  meditations and practices, including the signature Embodiment® method, Kundalini yoga, meditation, EFT Tapping, and more.

Gentle, sustainable wellness approach

Move through the modules with grace and ease by learning Lindsey's Daily Drivers Method to wellness that doesn't feel forced or overwhelming, but loving and nurturing instead.

Bonus Masterclasses

Continue your expansion by exploring topics like Human Design, FaceYoga, and Advanced NLP techniques with Lindsey's network of expert guests.

Embodiment® Practices

Explore the Embodiment®  video and audio vault for  meditations and practices, including the signature Embodiment® method, Kundalini yoga, meditation, EFT Tapping, and more.

optional upgrade

Upgrade any time to Body by Design ®, our personalized Epigenetics Coaching package! Work with a Certified Epigenetics Coach to map out your unique blueprint for streamlined wellness.

Your investment includes:

everything you need to succeed

lifetime access

Embodiment® Practices

Gentle, sustainable
wellness approach

Set your own pace through each module, with lifetime access to both courses, including any updates made in the future.

Explore the Embodiment®  video and audio vault for  meditations and practices, including the signature Embodiment® method, Kundalini yoga, meditation, EFT Tapping, and more.

Move through the modules with grace and ease by learning Lindsey's Daily Drivers Method to wellness that doesn't feel forced or overwhelming, but loving and nurturing instead.

Bonus Masterclasses

Embodiment® Practices

optional upgrade

Continue your expansion by exploring topics like Human Design, FaceYoga, and Advanced NLP techniques with Lindsey's network of expert guests.

Explore the Embodiment®  video and audio vault for  meditations and practices, including the signature Embodiment® method, Kundalini yoga, meditation, EFT Tapping, and more.

Upgrade any time to Body by Design ®, our personalized Epigenetics Coaching package! Work with a Certified Epigenetics Coach to map out your unique blueprint for streamlined wellness.



The biggest change has been more positivity.

I’m starting to feel like I’m enough just as I am and forgiving myself.

Definitely recommend!

Kelsey K.

Since going through Embodiment, I've been so much more in tune with my true, inner self. There was a lot of forgiveness that I needed to give myself, for not doing the right and good things for all these years. I was able to create a practice and space to be able to understand that, release that and replace with the truth and strength to actually believe it.

I really appreciated the physical aspects of the course as well because it was such a perfect refection of what was happening on the inside. I see myself physically getting stronger and feeling more confident in my abilities as I was clearing so much out on the inside.

I can't recommend this program enough!

Dana B.

Embodiment has not only taught me to appreciate what I see in the mirror, but to truly hold the mirror up and see myself and love and appreciate what I see. It has helped shed light on deeper rooted habits and thought patterns that then reflected onto the surface.

I have so many tools now to help me face my monsters per se, and readjust and keep moving forward. Before, I would crash and burn. Instead of letting the monsters control me, I can scare them away.

Jasmine S.

This course came at a time when I felt that shifting within me. I love how each practice like this gets you in to a zone of feeling comfortable and supported in facing some of those less desirable aspects of our inner self.

Lindsey is a great supporter and guide that it's really up to the student how much they're willing to get from the Embodiment Academy. It's personal alchemy and you must be ready to do you part whilst still holding space for the part that is resistant to change. The change IS worth all levels of the investment.

Vinisha R.

I’ve already lost 10 pounds, and I now have so many ways to deal with stress and anxiety.

I felt so much love throughout this program!!

I feel like I now have the tools to help me keep growing and move forward in a positive direction.

Micah F.

If you are thinking about taking Embodiment with Lindsey, don’t wait.

This program is so dense and rich in practices and material that is has something for everyone to expand.

It has truly reinvigorated my own daily movements and meditations again and one cannot put a price tag on peace of mind.

Myla H.

Enroll now for instant access

and lifetime updates.




only $597!

($2897 Value)

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