Let your body be your guide

Crack your Wellness Code using DNA-based Precision

customized approach

customized approach

Sick of wasting your
time and money on

on trends and surface solutions

Many of us have spent WAY too many years trying to DIY and google our way to health and wellness... and you may have even started to give up.

The lifestyle and vitality that you desire CAN be yours. With the right answers and support, anything is possible.

Your DNA provides the exact blueprint for your health + wellness

The main reason why your friend's diet doesn't work for you is because of genetic variation, or bio-individuality. Your DNA informs us what foods, supplements, sleep patterns, exercise and lifestyle choices will naturally lead to the best you.

You will learn how your body handles chemical processes and reactions, so that you can go right to the root of any areas of discord. It's important to work with a trained practitioner or clinician in order to understand which insights are most relevant for you today, as Genetic Expression can change with age, life events, and medical history.

You'll connect the dots like never before on how to feel your absolute best, and you'll be set for a lifetime of longevity.

Your Designer Genes® Report

Using practitioner-grade functional genomics testing, you'll receive a full-body blueprint with your specific codes to optimize your entire wellness approach like never before. Work smarter, not harder!

You'll know from this moment on, what works for you (and what doesn't) so that you can streamline your efforts into ONLY what matters.

You're getting over 60 tests...We're leaving no stone unturned when it comes to your health.

How we use epigenetics testing to define your unique solutions

Meet Lindsey Lekhraj

Lindsey is an advanced-certified Epigenetics Human Potential Coach through Apeiron Genomics, an international leader in the space. She's also been double-certified as a Holistic Nutritionist and carries certifications in Life and Success Coaching, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping), Emotion Code, and Kundalini Yoga and Meditation... to name a few.

After a lifelong battle with her own health, including obesity, chronic illness, hormonal imbalance, migraines, food allergies, and more... Lindsey discovered the world of Epigenetics which connected all the dots.

wellness strategy

1:1 reading + support


A Customized Plan

customized plan

With over 60+ insights about your body's best path to optimization and longevity, you literally can't lose. All the answers you need, all from one swab of your cheek, no retesting necessary! You'll wish you'd started sooner, but the right time is always now!

1:1 Reading + Support

You'll have all the understanding + support you need to get started successfully with your 1:1 video session to review your results and personalized action plan. Nothing we do here is cookie-cutter... Grown solutions only!

Wellness Library

You get instant access to the Body by Design® portal, including hours upon hours of trainings, workshops, protocols, meal plans, and getting started guides. Start where you're at and prioritize what's most pressing for YOU right now.


You're not alone! Join the incredible group of like-minded women who are learning how to live their best lives, without perfectionism or strict rules. We make our own rules inside BBD! And it WORKS. Access community chat immediately to connect!

what's included

Your Body by Design® Package Includes:

1 Secure Genomics Test Kit

Confidential Lab Analysis

Epigenetics Interpretation of your Designer Genes ®: Nutrition, Supplementation, Detox Pathways, Sleep and Exercise (Hormones panel is optional add-on)

Live Video Review + 1:1 Coaching Session (Recording Provided Afterwards)

Body by Design® Holistic Wellness Library: instant access to begin your journey TODAY!

Private community and continued support for Q+A and deep integration at your own pace

Step-by-step protocols, trainings, masterclasses, guides, meal plans, product recommendations, and more for clear and easy integration. Let's GO!

What to Expect
when you order

Place Your Order

Instant Access

Order online below to get started. Testing / results can take about 6-8 weeks total turnaround, so let's get this show on the road!

Meanwhile, you'll get instant access to the Body by Design® Library of resources to begin your transformation TODAY! Dive in wherever you need support the most

Receive Your Sample Kit

Watch Your Mailbox

You'll receive your secure sample collection kit in the mail within days (international shipping takes a bit longer, obviously). Simply follow saliva-swabbing instructions--SO EASY-- and pop it back in the mail inside prepaid mailer (shipping separate for int'l clients)!

Return Your Sample


Use the included prepaid mailer (US only) to return your saliva sample back to the private lab for processing. This takes about 4-6 weeks.

Get a head start on your journey by making yourself at home inside the Body by Design® community and large library of resources.

Schedule Your Session


Once Lindsey receives your data for analysis and prepares your Designer Genes® Report, you'll receive an email that it's time to schedule your session via Zoom!

During your session, you'll get a full interpretation and action plan based on your DNA that's shareable with any of your partner practitioners.

Who is Body by Design® for?

If you're ready to evolve and uplevel your health, reclaim your energy, mood, and mojo... you've come to the right place, and you don't have to go it alone. Learn how to optimize your body, once and for all, and discover how empowering it feels to make prioritizing yourself a true lifestyle. You'll have the upper hand from here on out. Get ready to meet your very best self!

enroll now!



I loved the new tools you introduced us to. You help us see how science and woo come together and I love that :)

Your energy. Your authenticity. Access to all your meditations and videos. Interacting with the group in the chat is fun.

The vibe you’ve set is encouraging/ empowering/ motivating without judgment. It’s very, very good.

Dusty D.

What I love is that I feel more confident and at peace that I’m eating for my genes, for healing. The guesswork is gone.

I can notice a positive difference in my digestion. This information paired with my genetic report gives me a clear path, I feel more confident that I will resolve my health issues.

I have already seen amazing improvement in my blood tests.

Laura G.

I find the information you share very valuable.

The Nutrition module is super solid and full of wonderful information. My favorite things are the COOKBOOKS and RECIPES! Several of them have become faves.

I also like the philosophy of pretty much eating as close to my genetic needs, and also allowing space to "break the rules" whenever is a choice or necessary.

Stefy G.

I really loved everything, it’s very complete. That’s how you heal. Spirit, body, mind connection.

All the emphasis on breathwork really inspires me to make it a priority and keep my nervous system in a parasympathetic state.

How organized it is, how holistic it is, and you! You are powerful, encouraging, and beautiful. God sent you to bless people and be a strong force to change many lives. A powerful healer.

Talia A.

It's amazing to me how much inflation I feel I've lost, especially in my gut/hips area (in just a couple of weeks).

You do such an amazing job, seriously!! I'm loving your course even though I'm unable to make the weekly live calls, I still watch them and go through the weekly activities and I feel I'm learning so much good information!

Janel K.

ONE MONTH with Lindsey changed my entire life.

I've been able to get off my anxiety medication, reduce my depression medication, and I've even gone down a jeans size during the holidays WITHOUT changing anything about my life.

Body by Design + Epigenetics is truly changing my life for the better. If you need to reset your life, look no further. You can't even imagine how much this can change your life."

Andrea B.

Your investment includes:

Functional Genomics Saliva Test Kit to complete at-home cheek swab

Lab / processing fees included in your one-time investment... you'll never have to test again!

Expert analysis and interpretation

Foundational 5-panel Review:

  • Nutrition

  • Supplementation

  • Detox Pathways

  • Exercise

  • Sleep

Option to add Hormones panel at checkout (includes Thyroid, AutoImmune Thyroid, Estrogen, Testosterone, Cortisol, and Bone Density)

2 hour 1:1 video coaching session with a Designer Genes Certified Epigenetics Coach to detail your results

Personalized action plan customized to your current goals

Instant Access to Body by Design® Holistic Wellness Library, including 6 foundational modules, advanced masterclasses, getting started guides, meal plans, protocols, and more!

Let's Chat!

Prefer to book a consultation? Use the link below, and we'll meet via Zoom to discuss your concerns and how Epigenetics can benefit your specific needs. Your $50 confirmation will be applied toward any paid coaching option within 30 days.